- Architecture of .NET Framework
- Types of MS.NET Applications
- MSIL / Metadata and PE files
- The Common Language Runtime (CLR)
- Common Type System (CTS)
- Common Language Specification (CLS)
- Types of JIT Compilers
- Security Manager
- MS.NET Memory Management / Garbage Collection
- MS.NET Base Classes Framework
- MS.NET Assemblies and Modules
- MS.NET Framework Comparisions
Language Basics
- Variables, Constants, Data Types
- Operators - Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Bitwise
- Operators - Assignment, Casting, Parsing, Concat, Comment
- String and StringBuilder
- Boxing and Unboxing
Visual Studio.NET installation & Console Applications
- Visual Studio.NET installatio
- Understanding Installation and copy software
- Install and configure on X86/X64
- Console Applications
- Entry point method - Main
- Command Line Parameters
- Implement Console Application Programs - Part 1
- Implement Console Application Programs - Part 2
- Importance of console applications in the industry
Control Statements & Procedures and Functions , Arrays
- Control Statements
- Conditional - Simple, If-else, elseif ladder, Nested If, Switch
- Loop - For, Do While, While, Infinite
- Jump - Continue and Break
- Implement few pseudocodes and programs
- Procedures and Functions
- Introduction
- Prototype based
- Call by value / ref based
- Param Arrays, Optional Args, Named Arguments
- Arrays
- Dimensional Arrays - Single and Multi dimensional (C++/.NET)
- Dimensional Arrays - Static and Dynamic
- Why Array index starts with zero?
- 3D Arrays and Jagged Arrays
- Revision and query sessions on basic .NET framework
- Open Discussion on .NET basics
Object-Oriented Programming
- OOPS Concepts in Real World
- Object and Class intro
- Data Abstraction, Encapsulation intro
- Inheritance and Polymorphism intro
- Simple Class Implementation intro
- C#.NET - Working With Class and Objects
- Declaring a class with state and behavior
- Adding Variables and Methods
- Inline Methods
- Nested Methods
- Properties , Indexers, Initializers
- C#.NET - Static Members
- Memory Allocations - Stack, Heap and Global Memory
- Static / Shared State and Behaviors
- Static Class, why .net main method need to be static
- Object as Args and Return Type
- C#.Net - Constructors and Destructors
- Default, Parametrized, static Type
- Memory Management and Garbage Collection
- Polymorphism - Static
- Method Overloading
- Constructor and operator Overloading
- C#.NET Inheritance - Simple, Multilevel, Hierarchical
- Interface, Dynamic Polymorphism
- Deriving classes
- Simple, Multilevel, Hierarchy
- What is the need of virtual functions?
- Virtual Functions C++ / .NET Solution
- Pure Virtual Functions & Abstract Class
- Diamond Problem and Multiple Inheritance with Interfaces
- Implementation/Interface Inheritance
- Class Reference and Sub Reference
- Visit and Execute - Constructor/Destructor
- Calling base class constructor/method with super keyword
- Extension Methods and Shadowing in .NET
Delegates ,Generics ,Collections
- Delegates
- Introduction to call back functions in C/C++
- Simple and Multicast delegates
- Anonymous Functions
- Generics
- Template programming in C++
- Generics in .NET
- LINQ and Generic Delegates in C#.NET
- Collections
- Intro to data structures in C/C++
- Generic Data structures as Collections
- Stack, Queue, List, Maps, Hash
Window Forms
- Intro to windows OS and Apps
- Initialize component feature
- Visual Programming through C#.NET
- Window form common controls
SQL Server basics for ADO.NET
- Introduction to SQL Language
- Constraints
- Normalization
- PL/SQL - Procedures , Cursors, Triggers, Joins
- Sample Database Design
- Microsoft Database Access Mechanisms
- Native API Driver, ODBC, DAO/RDO, ADO, ADO.NET Drivers
- ADO.NET Manage providers along Architecture
- ADO.NET - Simple Connection Oriented
- ADO.NET - Simple Insert/View
- ADO.NET - Simple Delete/Update
- ADO.NET - Prepared Statements
- ADO.NET - Stored Procedure
- ADO.NET - Connection less Architecture - Dataset
Threading & Assemblies
- Threading
- Operating System Intro - Light and Heavy Process
- Mutex, Semaphore, Producer and Consumer Problem
- Dead Lock, Thread programming in C#.NET
- Implement single and multithreading
- Thread call with parameters
- Assemblies
- Static Libraries, DLL, COM, DCOM
- DLL Hell and Assemblies Heaven
- GAC - Global Assembly Cache
- Revision and query sessions on complete C#.Net
Web Programming Basics
- Javascript
- How to create own static website and deploy live?
- Jquery basics
ASP.NET Introduction and Architecture
- Static and Dynamic Website - Architecture
- Predators of ASP.Net - ASP/ISAPI/CGI
- Client Side Script versus Server Side Script
- Website versus Web Application
ASP.NET Web Controls , Web Form - Lifecycle
- ASP.NET Web Controls
- ASP.NET Server Side Controls
- ASP.NET Navigation Controls
- ASP.NET Login Controls
- ASP.NET Ajax Controls
- ASP.NET Client Sde HTML Controls
- ASP.Net AutoPostback problems
- Web Form - Lifecycle
- ASP.NET Web form life cycle along events
- ASP.NET Application life cycle
ASP.NET Validation & State Management
- ASP.NET Validation
- ASP.NET Required Field Validators
- ASP.NET Compare Field Validators
- ASP.NET Range Validators
- ASP.NET Regular Expression Validator & Validation Summary
- ASP.NET State Management
- View State
- Query String
- Cookies - Temperory and Permanent
- Sessions
- Static Class
- Simple Login, MyAccount Logout Page Implementation
- ASP.Net Login Control, ASP.NET Custom Control, Panel Control
ASP.NET Design Mechanisms & ADO.NET
- ASP.NET Design Mechanisms
- ASP.NET themes along skins
- ASP.NET Master Pages - Simple and Nested
- Free-css templates download and customize to master pages
- ASP.NET CMS - Web Parts Intro and implementation
- ASP.NET ADO.NET Connectivity
- 3 Tier Architecture Intro and Implementation in Asp.NET
- Implement DATA Tier
- Implement DAO Tier
- Implement BO Tier
- N Tier Architecture Intro and Implementation in Asp.NET
- ADO.NET - ODBC and OLEDB Implementation
ASP.NET - Data bound & Custom controls
- ASP.NET - Data bound controls
- Data from Page
- Data from collections
- Data from data source controls - XML, SQL Server, Access
- Data from database server
- Data from repeater control
- Gridview, Formview along paging, sorting indexing
- ASP.NET Custom Controls
- ASP.NET user controls
- ASP.NET reusable and customized user controls
ASP.NET Caching & Security
- ASP.NET Caching
- Introduction to Caching - OS and Web Caching
- Page Output caching
- Page Partial or Fragment Caching
- Application Caching or Data Caching
- ASP.NET Web Farm and Web Garden
- ASP.NET Security
- Authentication and Authorization
- Windows Authentication
- Forms Authentication
- Passport or third party authentication
Advanced.NET - LINQ
- LINQ Introduction
- LINQ Environment
- Hardware Requirements
- Software Requirements
- LINQ Query Operators
- Filtering
- Join
- Projection
- Sorting
- Grouping
- Conversions
- Concatenation
- Aggregation
- Quantifier
- Partition
- Generation
- Set
- Equality
- Element
- Introduction
- Implement LINQ to SQL
- LINQ to Objects
- Introduction
- Implement LINQ to SQL
- LINQ to Dataset
- Introduction
- Implement LINQ to SQL
- Introduction
- Implement LINQ to XML
- LINQ to Entities
- Introduction
- Implement LINQ to Entities
- Lambda Expressions
- Expression Lambda
- Async Lambdas
- Lambda in Standard Query Operators
- LINQ Data Source Control
- CRUD Operations
Advanced.NET - Entity Framework
- EF Introduction
- Object World versus Relational World
- Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
- What is Entity Framework?
- EF Architecture
- Architecture Diagram
- EF versus LINQ to SQL
- First EF Application
- Modeling Techniques
- Database or Schema First Approach
- Model First Approach
- Code First Approach
- Application Cycle
- Creating EDMX File
- Life cycle to understand CRUD operations
- Object State Manager
- Executing Stored Procedure
- Table per type inheritance
- Table per hierarchical inheritance
- EDM Relationships
- One to One
- One to Many
- Lazy Loading
- Early Loading
- Navigation Properties
- Entity Framework with ASP.NET
- CRUD on ASP.NET Web Application
Advanced.NET - WCF
- Getting Started
- Fundamental
- WCF Architecture
- WCF Hosting
- WCF Binding
- Metadata Exchange
- Contracts
- Instance Management
- Durable Service
- Operations
- Events
- Transfer Mode
- Transaction
- WCF RIA Services
- Restful Services
- WCF Security
- WCF Service Impersonation
- WCF Windows Authentication
- Parts of Odata
Advanced.NET - ASP.NET MVC
- Introduction to MVC
- MVC Architecture
- MVC Controller
- MVC View
- MVC State Management
- Razor View
- HTML Helper Classes
- Passing Values
- Entity Modeling Techniques
- MVC Validations
- MVC Async Controls
- MVC Bundling
- MVC Minification
- MVC Exception Handling
- MVC Areas
- MVC Display Modes
Advanced.NET - WPF
- Introduction to WPF
- WPF Architecture
- Layout Controls
- Controls and Menus
- Input
- Styles
- Control Templates
- User Control
- Data Binding
- Documents
- Animation and Media
- Navigation Based Applications
- Introduction to J Query
- J Query Basics
- J Query Selectors
- J Query Attributes
- J Query Traversing
- J Query CSS
- J Query DOM
- J Query Events
- J Query Ajax
- J Query Effects
- J Query UI
- J Query Plugins
- Introduction to JSON
- JSON Syntax
- JSON Data Types
- JSON Objects , Schema
- JSON Comparision
- JSON Integration