Introduction to cloud computing
- Benefits of cloud computing
- Benefits and features of cloud computing
- Differences between Active directory and Azure Active directory
- Cloud trends
- Difference between Paas, Saas, Iaas
- Difference between Public and private cloud
- Principles of parallel and distributed computing
Getting started with Microsoft Azure
- Overview of Microsoft Azure
- Creation of Azure account
- Creation of O365 account
- Difference between Work and Personal account
- Azure portal Walk-through
- Directory, User and Group management
- Custom Domain
- Manager Azure using Azure portal
- Manage Azure using PowerShell
- Creation/Deletion of database using PS
- Types of Subscriptions
- Types of Licenses
- Difference between Subscriptions and licenses
- RBAC roles
- Multi-factor authentication
- IP white-listing
- Conditional access
- AD connect sync
- Audit and Sign-in logs
Working with Active Directory
- Overview of AD
- Why we need AD for Azure
- Active directory configuration in Azure
- Active directory Federation service in Azure
- Monitoring Azure Active Directory
Managing with Azure Networking
- Overview of Networking
- Basics of Virtual Network
- Address Spaces, subnets, DNS servers
- Create and manage Azure Virtual networks using Portal and Resource Manage Template
- Reserved IP for VM
- Configuring DNS
- Setup security groups
- Configuring Azure Virtual Network Connectivity
- Explain on Private networks
- Virtual Network-to-Virtual Network
- Using Express route
- Using point-to-site virtual Private networking
Virtual Machines
- Basic concept of VM
- Explanation of Service level Agreement
- Understanding of Virtual Machine Models and Components
- Deploying Azure Virtual Machine via portal and Template
- Authorizing Azure resource using Manager Template
- Setup Remote access to VM
- Explain on Classic VM
- Disk caching
- Attach and Formatting disks
- Configuring availability
- Desired State configuration
- Storage space-based volumes
- Image capture
- Recover VM
- Import/Export
- Encrypting disks
Replication, Backup and recovery
- Replication concepts
- Asynchronous vs synchronous replication
- Failover with azure
- Azure site recovery
- Azure backup
- Best practices for recovery and backup
Azure SQL Database
- Overview of SQL database on azure
- Deploying Azure SQL Database
- Implementing and managing Azure SQL Database
- Managing security
- Azure SQL database Recovery
- Import/Export data
Azure App service
- Overview of app service
- Deployment of app service
- Configuring and Maintaining web apps
- Monitoring web apps and Web jobs
- Traffic manager
Azure Management and Automation
- Overview of Management activities in Azure
- Supporting Tools on Management
- VM and Template Management
- Azure VM agent
- Azure SDK